Plan Your Visit


Tue-Sat: 10am-5pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays + holidays

The Weatherspoon has six galleries and a sculpture courtyard with over 17,000 square feet of exhibition space.

What’s on View: Preview the current exhibitions in our galleries. View our museum map. Learn about the sculptures in our outdoor courtyard.

Parking: Free visitor parking is available at the museum. Pick up a hang tag inside at the welcome desk. Visitors using disabled parking tags or the accessible parking spaces do not need a museum-visitor hang tag.

Lockers: For the safety of the artworks, we do not allow backpacks and large bags in the galleries. Lockers are available for these items.

Group Visits:  Guided and Self-Guided Visits are available. Groups may schedule a visit HERE

Coffee:  Coffee and espresso drinks by Borough Coffee are available in our atrium M-F when UNCG classes are in session.

Food + Drink: For the safety of the artworks, all food and drinks must remain in common areas outside the galleries.

Accessibility: There is accessible parking available in the museum parking lot, along with ramps that lead to either the back or front entrance. Elevators are available to the second floor.

Restrooms: There are changing stations in our restrooms. We also provide information for locating all-gender restroom options nearby on the UNCG campus.  

Community Partnerships: If you are interested in developing a community partnership or program with the Weatherspoon, please email Mei Méndez, assistant director for strategic engagement at m_mendez3@uncg.edu

Museum FAQ:

Photography for personal use only is allowed in some exhibitions and galleries (flash, tripods, and selfie sticks are not allowed). Please check exhibition signage for guidance. Use #WAMuncg to tag your photos on social media. We just may follow you back!

Flash photography is not allowed. Some exhibitions may restrict photography. Look for signs or ask a staff member.

Student Photography Requests:

If you are a UNCG student and are interested in filming or photographing in the Weatherspoon, please visit this LINK to fill out our request form.

NOTE: Museum staff will do their best to accommodate requests while considering space availability, exhibition permissions, and staffing and labor logistics, among other things.

Journalist requesting images or photography to accompany media coverage of Weatherspoon Art Museum exhibitions, collections, or events may contact Loring Mortensen, head of communications, at lamorten@uncg.edu.

We welcome pencils and non-permanent drawing materials in the galleries.

Currently, Weatherspoon spaces are fully scheduled with museum exhibitions, programming, and events, so we are unable to accommodate facility rental requests from UNCG groups that are not connected to museum programming. For more information, please contact m_mendez3@uncg.edu.

Museum staff cannot answer questions referring to the value, provenance, or attribution of any work of art. As part of the museum’s educational mission, curators may discuss general matters of connoisseurship, such as relative importance, quality, and condition. However, the Weatherspoon and its staff make no representations or guarantees of any kind concerning artwork.

Below is a list of reputable organizations that appraise works of art for a fee.

316 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009

American Society of Appraisers
P.O. Box 17625
Washington, DC 20041
703.742.8471; 800.ASA.VALU

Appraisers Association of America
386 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016

Art Dealers Association of America
575 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022

The museum does not sell artwork of any kind to the public. Below is a list of reputable businesses that help collectors buy and sell works for and from their collections. Please note that this list is neither an endorsement of particular auction houses or galleries nor a guarantee of the accuracy of their work.

National Auction Houses Websites:


Regional Auction Houses and Galleries:


The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works guides collectors on how to find and choose qualified conservators in their particular area of the country.

The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
1717 K Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006

The Weatherspoon contains thousands of artworks. Images of many, but not all, of them can be found on our website. It is the sole responsibility of the image user to identify and obtain any necessary third-party permissions for their use.

The museum requests that you include the following caption with any image reproduction:

Artist, Title, date. The Weatherspoon Art Museum, UNC, Greensboro

This information is available on the object page of each imaged artwork.

Image Licensing (formerly known as Rights and Reproduction):

To request an image in a particular resolution or format, please contact Hannah Southern, assistant curator of collections research and engagement,  at hfsouthern@uncg.edu

Requests for new photography, which require a minimum of 5–7 weeks and payment of additional fees, are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Journalists requesting images to accompany media coverage of Weatherspoon Art Museum exhibitions, collections, or events may contact Loring Mortensen, head of communications, at lamorten@uncg.edu.