Bold Expressions: Geometric Abstractions from the Collection

Aug 18, 2020
- Nov 14, 2020
1st Floor: The Leah Louise B. Tannenbaum and Louise D. and Herbert S. Falk, Sr. Galleries
Carrie Moyer, Tickler, 2012, acrylic and glitter on canvas, 40 x 28 in. Weatherspoon Art Museum. Benefactors Choice Purchase, 2017. © Carrie Moyer.

Fun, light-hearted, and beautiful. Many of us crave these elements nowadays, especially during these unprecedented times. As the museum reopens to the campus and the broader community mid-August (pending NC state guidelines), its first-floor galleries will feature artworks that highlight bold color, non-illusionistic space, and hard-edged geometric compositions. Although abstract geometric art has existed as a language of expression since antiquity, it acquired new resonance with European artists in the early twentieth century. Shortly thereafter, a younger generation of American artists began exploring the tradition, especially in the 1960s. Since then the language has remained both essential and vibrant, as these paintings, sculptures, and drawings illustrates.

This exhibition is organized by Elaine D. Gustafson, Curator of Collections.