Photo (l to r): Mei Méndez, Kristen Magod, Beth Fischer, Catherine Magid, Juliette Bianco, Robert “Bob” Healy, Sally Cone, Lois Deloatch, Dabney Sanders, Ruth Heyd, John Gibbs, Brandy Nash, Maggie Basu, Justin Outling, Sydney Gingrow, Erica Weissburg, Augusto “Gus” Peña, and Nancy Hoffmann. Not pictured: Jasmine Beard, Lloyd Douglas, Kerri Mubaarak, Sherrill Roland, Martha Thompson, and Jill White. Photo: Carolyn de Berry, 2024.
The purpose of the Weatherspoon Art Museum Council (WAMC) is to support the Weatherspoon Art Museum’s mission and serve as the advisory body of the Weatherspoon Art Museum at UNC Greensboro. The WAMC holds the museum’s collection in trust on behalf of UNC Greensboro for the education, well-being, and enjoyment of the university community, the people of North Carolina, and beyond.
WAMC supports the museum’s mission and advances the museum’s capacity to:
- Build, manage, and preserve an increasingly diverse and significant collection
- promote access to the museum and its resources
- amplify the visibility, reputation, and accessibility of the museum
- secure resources to support all areas of the museum’s operations and collections
Weatherspoon Art Museum Council Members
Maggie Basu
Sally Cone
Lois Deloatch
Lloyd Douglas
John Gibbs
Sydney Gingrow
Robert “Bob” Healy
Ruth Heyd
Nancy Hoffmann
Catherine Magid
Kristen Magod
Kerri Mubaarak
Brandy Nash
Justin Outling
Augusto “Gus” Peña
Sherrill Roland
Dabney Sanders
Martha Thompson
Erica Weissburg
Jill White